MBWIB is so proud to announce the launch of our volunteer program starting July 1st, 2010. With all the hard work, dedication, and determination it takes to run a committee like the Manhattan Beach Women in Business Committee, Bibi Goldstein and I saw what a wonderful opportunity this was to get people involved in some of the aspects that make this committee successful. Let's face it, without the hundreds of volunteers who put in thousands of hours to make this committee what it today, I would not have the platform in which to write this post, nor the knowledge of those who came before me, to grow this organization and take it to the next level.
Our vision is to take the very reason why you joined the best chamber in the South Bay, whether it’s to network, expand your business, or to grow as an individual, and give you a platform that allows you to do so, all the while maintaining your comfort level and capitalizing on your strengths. If you take a look at the committee members tab on this website, it gives you an idea of what the necessary positions are within this organization. From procuring sponsorships for the Women in Business conference in April, asking local businesses for goodie bag items, helping out on the online and silent auction team, helping with graphic design projects, keeping the social media up to date, or simply helping at the registration table during our monthly mixers, we want you to get involved. It's up to you what level of involvement or time commitment you are able to give. For every hour of service you provide, we award you with a percentage off your entrance into the next exciting mixer, and cumulatively a percentage off your ticket price to the hottest conference in town!! During our monthly newsletters we will feature a "Volunteer of the Month," which will feature your biography and an excerpt of your business.
If this is something you are interested in participating in, there is a volunteer application link on the site. Tell us a little about yourself, that we can expect from you and what you expect to get back from us. It's that simple. After you fill out the volunteer application, our board of directors will process it, and Jessica Perahia, our Volunteer Program Chair, will contact you to get the process started. You can email us any questions to volunteers@mbwib.com. Our goal is to help you maximize your chamber membership and grow your business. We hope you will join us!
Thankfully yours,
Sarah Perahia & Bibi Goldstein